Enneagram 3 Achiever Performer core desire recognized and valuable, ladder of success reaching for stars


General Archetypal Names: Achiever, Motivator, Performer, Motivator, Inspirer (Watch a podcast discussion on the names and theme of Type 3 here)

Core Motivational Theme: Recognition/Success, Value/Worth

Core Fear: being unaccomplished, invaluable, unsuccessful, unacknowledged, not good enough/unworthy (in the context of social/group relationships)

Core Desire: being successful, recognized, inspiring, acknowledged, socially valuable, worthy 

Center of Intelligence: heart/feeling

Connecting Points: 6 (head/thinking), 9 (gut/instinctive)

Archetypal Expressions

These archetypes encapsulate the core fears/desires, vices/virtues, life lessons, and character arc associated with point 3 on the Enneagram.

Bernie Madoff standing by stacks of money. Houston Astro injecting steroids. Enneagram 3 archetype, Opportunistic Con Artist

“If you aren’t recognized and successful you are nobody. I will do whatever it takes to get to the top; my deception doesn’t hurt anybody.”

Elegant Celebrity couple on red carpet with Jung persona masks. Enneagram 3 tarot archetype, Image-Conscious Status Seeker.

“I want to be recognized and successful. What does everybody like and want? How do I need to present myself to win their favor and convince them of my worth?”

Hindu goddess Durga like couple with multiple limbs giving gifts. Enneagram 3 awakened archetype, Heartfelt Philanthropist.

Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be.”

-Neville Goddard

Integration and Disintegration / Connecting Points

3 integration 6: validation seeking, agendas to cooperation, community, collaboration, transparency. Anxiety shame coverups
3 disintegration 9: people pleasing, unfulfilling desires, deception to disillusion, apathy, isolation, unseen. Acceptance
