Show Notes
One of the core struggles for an Enneagram 1 is acceptance. As a type propelled by values and morals, driven to better conditions or promote justice and fairness; accepting situations, others, or themselves can pose a challenge. Interestingly, this overarching life struggle with acceptance often manifests in the initial stages of Enneagram typing as well—in my experience, Enneagram Ones are the type most prone to identify with another type and resist their typing.
In this episode of Talkin’ Truth, I interview a friend, bandmate, and behavioral health therapist Holly, aiming to resolve a long-standing, playful disagreement we’ve had over whether she is a 2w1 or a 1w2.
While recounting humorous stories, this podcast goes over some of the similarities and defining differences between 1s and 2s and covers:
- The shared connection that types 1 and 2 have to point 4, but how they use and experience 4 in different ways
- Sensitivity to criticism and feedback
- Childhood messages and pivotal shaping experiences
- How their core values manifest differently in social dynamics and relationships
- The importance of comparing levels of health when typing
A conversation about addiction, therapy, restrictive eating, and pleasure highlights some of the thematic tensions between points 1 and 7, and shows how 4, commonly thought of as 1’s disintegration point, can help resolve that.
If you’re familiar with the Enneagram, share your opinions about some of the typing discussions that we present during the podcast and help us settle the debate about Holly’s Enneagram type and what aspects of our conversation led you to that conclusion.
But the ultimate inner part of me, I want to be helpful. I want to be thinking about other people and not think about myself. I really don’t like being selfish, but I can find myself , like, self-involved…I ultimately want to be helping people, but that’s not always the case.
00:00:00 Trailer
00:01:10 Synopsis
00:03:41 Holly’s Enneagram Background
00:06:06 Conflicting Test Results / Relating to Multiple Types
00:11:26 Holly’s Myers-Briggs Type
00:13:47 Taylor Swift
00:16:59 Ones’ struggle with acceptance
- “Maybe when I first understood the Enneagram, (Type 1) just felt like someone very inflexible. And it’s like, I don’t want to be that person.”
00:20:34 1 to 4: Getting in touch with emotions, authenticity
00:21:58 Differences between 1’s and 2’s connection to 4
- I said the wrong number in relation to the type connection that I was describing several times during this segment.
- A healthy 2-4 connection is about going from other-care to self-care, balancing 2s tendency to be over involved in helping others.
- A healthy 1-4 connection is more so about going from judgement to compassion/empathy; balancing 1s tendency towards black and white thinking and being critical (or contemptous) of others.
00:24:43 1 to 4: The Beauty in Imperfection, Anti-AI
00:26:51 Enneagram 2 vs 1 differences, Values
- “If I say, who are you without your values, maybe that’s a really one thing to say, but like everyone has values no matter what type you are”
00:31:42 Holly’s Values as a Band Leader
00:36:04 Enneagram type and sensitivity to criticism / feedback
00:43:05 Childhood Messages/Experiences
00:44:15 Responsibility, doing difficult work
00:47:33 Support Styles – Guess the Type
00:48:05 Guess the Type – Person A
00:49:03 Guess the type – Person B
00:50:12 Guess the type – Person C
00:51:23 Guess the type – Person D
00:52:05 Guess the type – Person E
00:53:18 Outfit changes and Anger
00:54:54 “Tell me you’re a 1 without telling me you’re a 1”
00:59:08 1-7 Tension: Restrictive, Binge Eating
01:07:09 Therapy, Addiction, Hedonism, Dissatisfaction
01:14:03 “Im proud of you”
01:16:06 Why Holly got into psychology and became a therapist
01:22:39 Taking a Stand: Type 1 Virtues
01:27:33 Bystander Effect, Taking Responsibility, Burnout
01:34:05 Right and Wrong, Politics
01:36:15 The Importance of Considering Level of Health when Typing
- “I mean reading these, honestly, I’m like, oh, maybe one is not so bad!”